Allure (Major) +2 Step Bonus and Add 2 PP to any PP used when viewing/experiencing the ship. Often triggers greed in others. 4
Allure (Minor) +2 Step on Allure  related skill checks when viewing/experiencing the ship.  Often triggers greed in others. 2
Branded (Major) Known throughout 'Verse in a bad way.  Penalty constant except with close friends. -4
Branded (Minor) -2 Step Skill Penalty when history comes into play in social or legal situations. -4
Cortex Specter (Major) No official docket of ship exists, anywhere. 4
Cortex Specter (Minor) +8 to difficulty of search when others search for ship using Cortex. 2
Dull Sense (Minor) Sensors or Scanners are at -2 steps. -2
Everybody has One (Minor) +2 Skill step bonus to anyone trying to expoit known features. -2
Fast Throttle (major) +2 hexes on Pulse or + 2000kph on Reaction Drive. 4
Fast Throttle (minor) +1 hexes on Pulse or + 1000kph on Reaction Drive. 2
Fuel Efficient (Minor) Fuel Hours = Tons X 10 instead of 6.67 2
Gas Guzzler (Minor) Fuel Hours = Tons X 3.33 instead of 6.67 -2
Good Name (Major) Known throughout 'Verse in a good way.  Bonus constant. 4
Good Name (Minor) +2 Step Skill Bonus when history comes into play in social or legal situations. 2
Healthy as a Horse (Major) Takes less damage under duress & Add 2 PP to any PP used on mechanics or resistance checks. 4
Healthy as a Horse (Minor) Takes less damage under duress. 2
Hooked (Major) Requires special fuel or suffers.  Often needs repairs. -4
Hooked (Minor) Occasionally needs repairs or requires special fuel. -2
Lightweight (Minor) Suffers extra damage when under duress.   -2
Loved (Major) Crew can spend PP on ship's rolls even when not involved. Only when proper maintenance (love) is given. 4
Memorable (Minor) Ship is easily identified. Others gain +2 Alertness Attribute bonus when attempting to recognize it. -2
Seen Better Days (major) Maintenance is +100%. >= 40 years old. 5% of original cost. -4
Seen Better Days (minor) Maintenance is +50%.  >= 20 years old. 25% of original cost. -2
Ugly as Sin (Major) Plot points spent on Persuasion cost twice normal. -4
Ugly as Sin (Minor) -2 Skill Step penalty on actions involving persuasion. -2
Haunted Strange noises, creepy feelings, cold spots and ghostly images haunt the crew. -2